Sunday 10 July 2022

What might the future hide?

Recently, I failed my entrance exam and my girlfriend stopped being a factor in where I enroll, as she can't study what she wants inside the country anyway; this called for a significant change of plans. I was aware from the beginning that things do not always go the way you want, but a backup plan was not something I could afford anyway, which didn't leave me much choice. Thankfully, my losses are minor and I will simply attempt another exam this September and see what comes of it.

This situation has been somewhat stressful, but it's more accurate to describe it as a roller-coaster. I'm quite an indecisive person and making significant choices makes me dedicate plenty of my time to excessively granular research, I also tend to procrastinate, and with that in mind it comes as no surprise that my preparation for such a serious test was inadequate. Occasionally, for a split second, doubts appear in my mind in my abilities pertaining to mathematics and programming. I question whether I choose to study something I'm fit for, in comparison to others. In any case, it's nothing significant, but such thoughts can be striking even as passing as they are.

I wish to write more, seeing this page enriched fills me with joy. I predict that I'll write at important dates, such as holidays, anniversaries, and festivals. I wouldn't like to restrict my writing to that at all, but not much else seems to come to me. Perhaps with time, more thoughts will have an easier time spilling over into letters.


Monday 25 April 2022

Trains, cranes, and migraines

I'm glad to present to you the first journal-type entry on this blog.

This time I took the train to visit my significant other. While riding it, after the conductor checked our tickets, boredom got the best of me and brought out an elegant presentation.

This lovely crane found its place among other passenger, those who made up for my departure. A bland train ticket, which would've even sooner ended up in rubbish, was animated by avian likeness. I exchanged farewells with the crane and spent the Easter very well.

Key activities included playing "Cats Are Liquid: A Better Place" and watching "Watamote". My significant other dislikes playing video-games, but enjoys watching them, and I saw the whimsical indie platformer as something which would amuse her. Until then I hadn't watched "Watamote" in about seven years. I hadn't realised how disturbing it actually is, it's a very humiliating cringe comedy, my girlfriend wanted to quit on many occasions and I assured her that it wouldn't get any better. We went through half, there's only twelve episodes, so I'd easily recommend it to anybody. I found it enjoyable, as by now I have forgot what I originally saw, so the experience was almost like brand-new. I very much relate to the main character. Overall, the weekend was enjoyable even if not that out of the ordinary, but at least I tried avocado and tacos (individually as well as in tandem) for the first time.

Surely enough, during my trip back, I gave form to another feathered companion. This time with its own stand to balance on, made from the remaining piece of the ticket.

I hope that I left a positive impression on somebody with these birds. At least they won't bother whomever has to throw them out that much, as I will not be taking the train often enough for that to become an unpleasant issue.

I made it to Belgrade and ran across an older gentleman. What stuck out to me about him was his unique and well-fitted appearance. He had his hair, moustache, and even eyebrows if I caught that well, all dyed a bright red. His clothes were full of a pleasant shade of red and his body was decorated by all manners of jewelry. He could not hear very well at all, but he did hear my praises for his styling. We shared good wishes.

I had to sit and wait for a while. It was behind the monument to a Serbian ruler, Stefan Nemanja.

As you might notice, it is extremely tall. I'm not sure about the height of Michelangelo's David, but this is how tall I imagine his statue to be. I couldn't be bothered to take a picture of the front, but if you are sufficiently interested, you can find high-quality photographs on the web.

I had to sit for a while as I didn't have the bus I expected, this was due to Monday after Easter being celebrated as a holiday, a day off. Luckily, I had other buses for places close enough to my home. Though I couldn't afford a ticket to enter the platform and my phone's battery was nearly out... All that was an extreme potential amount of stress, as I have no notable familiarity with Belgrade. But fortunately enough, a friend was kind enough to help me out and I made it home safely.

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