Sunday 10 July 2022

What might the future hide?

Recently, I failed my entrance exam and my girlfriend stopped being a factor in where I enroll, as she can't study what she wants inside the country anyway; this called for a significant change of plans. I was aware from the beginning that things do not always go the way you want, but a backup plan was not something I could afford anyway, which didn't leave me much choice. Thankfully, my losses are minor and I will simply attempt another exam this September and see what comes of it.

This situation has been somewhat stressful, but it's more accurate to describe it as a roller-coaster. I'm quite an indecisive person and making significant choices makes me dedicate plenty of my time to excessively granular research, I also tend to procrastinate, and with that in mind it comes as no surprise that my preparation for such a serious test was inadequate. Occasionally, for a split second, doubts appear in my mind in my abilities pertaining to mathematics and programming. I question whether I choose to study something I'm fit for, in comparison to others. In any case, it's nothing significant, but such thoughts can be striking even as passing as they are.

I wish to write more, seeing this page enriched fills me with joy. I predict that I'll write at important dates, such as holidays, anniversaries, and festivals. I wouldn't like to restrict my writing to that at all, but not much else seems to come to me. Perhaps with time, more thoughts will have an easier time spilling over into letters.



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